Diversity Network
If your company is interested in considering qualified minority, female and veteran candidates, the State Newspaper Diversity Network is your best choice.
Download the Diversity Network PDF
DownloadAll employers are required by law to provide equal employment opportunity. Most are also challenged by the State and Federal Government to provide documentation that they conducted specific employment outreach to qualified minority, female and veteran candidates. Simply posting their jobs to large general market job boards is not enough. Employers must demonstrate they posted the job openings with minority focused websites to satisfy the requirements.
The State Newspaper Diversity Network offers the most powerful network of diversity job boards available to employers today. The network consists of some of the top niche job boards including:
- DiversityWorking.com
- Latpro.com
- Diversity-Job.com
- AfricanAmericanJobSite.com
- LGBTJobSite.com
- Jobs4Women.net
If your company is interested in considering qualified minority, female and veteran candidates, the State Newspaper Diversity Network is your best choice. By placing a recruitment ad through us, your job is automatically posted to these top job boards. You get excellent local and national coverage from websites with millions of unique visitors per month AND you are complying with State and Federal guidelines.
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